Distance learning: friend or foe?

As March 2020 made its debut on the calendar and news of a virus from China was buzzing, many of us were in disbelief - it won’t come here, to the United States. And then, it very quickly became apparent that not only was the virus here in full force, but schools, along with all non-essential businesses (even professional sports) nationwide would be closed - for a firm two weeks, possibly longer. That was over 150 days ago. This is when the nation was introduced to distance learning (DL). As quickly as physical schools closed, distance learning classrooms opened in people's bedrooms, living rooms, closets and for some, even cars.

photos of mom and son distance learning at laptop and student desk at home

And now, late summer 2020, we educators reflect on our role, and the roles of our students and their parents who were quickly forced to become teaching assistants. And where have these reflections led us? In light of the assumption that school will feel very different in the fall, we ask:

  • What worked well?

  • What felt challenging?

  • Where do we go from here?

One important observation sheds light on the fact that systems became vital during distance learning. Time management, executive functioning, and daily organizational skills were three of the biggest challenges for students as they began their independent learning journey in the spring. For many students, the real hurdle was logistical rather than content.

Suddenly, a new layer of complexity was added to the learning process; not only did students have to figure out the when, where, why and how in order to complete the assignment, but also how to submit it in order to receive feedback and/or a graded evaluation. Parents were equally challenged in this area, highlighting how vital these life skills are. Overnight, the void of those spontaneous student-teacher interactions (which had been taken for granted up until now) also became obvious. Students were missing out on the invaluable opportunities to check in with their teachers throughout the day whether in the classroom in the hallway or at lunch.

So where do we go from here? Supporting our students in developing strong organizational systems will help them in the classroom or while engaging in distance learning. In prepping for the fall (and a possible round two of quarantine), many teachers are focusing on how to simplify access to content and still uphold rigor, academics and the social emotional aspects of learning regardless of whether we are at home or on campus.

The importance of Systems. When physically in school, systems entail organizing and packing a backpack the night before, making sure computers are charged, pencils are sharpened and notebooks are ready. In distance learning, however, systems become the ability to read sequential directions, click links where needed to access class content, log in to relevant sites, remember passwords, and so on. Although it sounds easy, it can be challenging. As new ‘teacher assistants’, parents need guidance.

Here are my suggestions to help your child become independent and successful in school, and parents can - hopefully - find some peace of mind:

  • Consider Preparation: Before the semester/school year begins, invest time in understanding your child’s school websites, where they locate assignments, how your child is accessing content/lessons, assignments. Some research to consider:

    • How do the websites work?

    • Are parent passwords needed as well as student passwords?

    • Are you on appropriate email distribution lists?

    • Are you on too many email lists - can you unsubscribe from unnecessary ones?

    • Do you have access to review when the student is ‘stuck’?

  • Consider Advocacy: Empower your child to ask qualifying questions of his/her teacher when distance learning. This might include an email to a teacher or a request for an independent Zoom session - a smaller setting where your child can ask a teacher to clarify what type of organizational methods are being used for the class work. “How do I best retrieve assignments, readings, videos, etc…” Feel free to request a “cc” on this email or even join in the Zoom call. Understanding how things work in the beginning of the semester or school year will help your child for the future, and empower him/her to speak to adults and understand his/her rights as a student.

  • Consider Communication: Share candid and diplomatic feedback with the teacher and school (polite questioning is always appreciated: are all the “clicks” necessary to find content? Are there any shortcuts we can take? etc.) Know that teachers do not want their students spending more time figuring out instructions than actually engaging in work, but sometimes a fresh set of eyes is needed to point out the complexities of what they’re doing.

  • Consider Peer Study Pods: Have your student identify a few reliable peers from their class to check in with on assignments before going to the teacher. Checking for comprehension with friends can boost confidence, help toward self advocacy and create collaborative ways to learn. It can also create a fun social network when quarantining.

  • Consider Experimentation: If you can’t find an answer one way - try another. First, remind your child to reread directions carefully; we all fall victim to rushing through directions at times. Next, support your learner through practicing “trial and error” when trying to locate assignments or information from school. Kids are skilled at this when figuring out various online games, social media, photo apps, etc. Now, show them how this can work to their advantage when learning from a distance. It might be frustrating at times, but learning to figure things out on their own will ultimately foster independence.

  • Consider Setting Up An At-Home Classroom: Work with your child to set up a home “classroom” where focus can take place. Where is a good place in the house to work, outside their bedroom? What supplies will your child need? Headphones, quiet space, and Wifi, of course.

  • Consider Fun: Although distance learning can seem isolating, it has also gifted us with a few extra hours a day. Try using this “gift” to encourage physical activity, a walk in the neighborhood, riding bicycles, playing in the yard, taking time to engage with pets, learning to cook. If time permits, read and draw with your child, and as I’m sure many of you have done already - return to board games.

Distance learning isn’t all bad…At times, distance learning can feel challenging and concerning, especially when it comes to content and a fear that our children will fall behind academically. However, consider the unexpected benefits. It forces students to:

  • Be more independent and try things on their own

  • Encourages them to figure out new organizational structures to support their learning

  • Mandates self advocacy and communication skills

  • Nudges them into practicing trial and error on their own

  • Provides flexibility of time

These are all skills that brick and mortar schools try to instill daily, albeit face to face. But should we revert to distance learning in the fall, students will need to be more independent and pay closer attention to the process in order to access content. And who knows, it might just better prepare our students for “the real world” and the anticipated 21st century skills schools have been working toward all along?

Written by Anne O'Reilly Connerty | Essay & Workshop Specialist at Keating Quigley