10 tips to maximize college visits

Summer is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time for all you high school rising juniors and seniors to get out and explore college campuses. This is a right of passage for many students and their parents - and an essential part of college admissions.

So, to help you make the most of your visits, we advise you to start planning now. We've put together tips on how to fully immerse yourself in each campus and gather all the information you will need to make an informed decision about your future college.

1. Research

Before hitting the road, prioritize your interests, academic programs, preferred location, and other essential factors. Then, dive into college websites and gather information about campus life, majors, extracurricular activities, and admission requirements.

2. Schedule

Contact the admissions office or visit the college's website to schedule your visit. With convenient online booking systems and special visitation days for prospective students, you'll quickly find a date that fits your timeline.

3. Prepare questions in advance 

Make a list of questions you want to ask during your visit. These should include inquiries about academics, campus life, housing, internship opportunities, career services, and anything that is important to you. Asking questions will also demonstrate your interest and help you gather valuable insights.

4. Dress appropriately

Dress comfortably yet presentably. Opt for business casual or smart casual attire, as this will give you a professional appearance while still being comfortable for walking around campus.

5. Pack wisely

Always have a notebook or phone handy to jot down notes during information sessions. You can also take videos or photos to capture essential details as you wander around. And remember, it gets hot on the college campus trail, so pack your water bottle!

6. Attend Info Sessions & Tours

Participate in guided campus tours and information sessions. These will allow you to explore campus, visit key facilities, and soak up the atmosphere. They will also help you gain valuable insights into the admissions process, financial aid, academic programs, and student support services.

7. Connect with students & faculty

Meet with current students and faculty members in your area of academic interest. Their perspectives can fill in the gaps of your college visit and help you make an informed decision.

8. Explore the surrounding Area

It is also important to allow time to explore the surrounding area beyond campus. With that in mind, check out nearby neighborhoods, coffee shops, restaurants, local attractions, and amenities to get a sense of what it would be like to live in the area. Four years is a long time after all!

9. Reflect & debrief

Take time to reflect on your experience after each campus visit. Write down your impressions, pros and cons, and other relevant observations. Trust us, colleges start to look and feel the same after a while, so this exercise will help you keep track of your thoughts.

10. Don’t forget to have fun!

Visiting college campuses is an excellent way to imagine yourself as a student and evaluate if a particular college is right for you. These experiences are also a right of passage, so savor the process and create special memories along the way. With this in mind, start compiling those road trip playlists, and get ready to hit the open road!

11. Bonus Tip: Save your child from cringeworthy moments!

If you are a parent gearing up for college visits with your high schooler this summer, click here for a sidesplitting and must-read checklist that will save you from becoming a walking embarrassment to your child while on campus. Thanks to The New Yorker Magazine for this hilarious gem!

And lastly, A few useful resources…

  • To help you prepare for your upcoming roadtrips, we have created a Campus Visit Research Tool & Checklist. Just click on the link below, and we'll send it straight out to you.

Contact KQ: An Expert guiding Voice

Working with an educational consultant can streamline the college admissions process and alleviate stress. Keating Quigley is here to help if you'd like to learn more about how to prepare for campus visits - or any other aspect of the college search. We're always just a phone call or email away!

Written By Verona Keating & Jacquie Quigley | Founding Partners | Keating Quigley Educational Consultants