From Flip Flops to Pencils: How to Navigate Back-to-School Blues!

Image of brightly colored flip flops on the beach contrasting with brightly colored pencils, illustrating KQ's blog for parents on how to beat their child's back-to-school blues as they pivot from summer to the classroom.

As the sun sets on the lazy, hazy days of summer, it's time to embrace the dawn of the new academic year. To help your child approach the year ahead with a confident and optimistic mindset, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of back-to-school steps you can implement at home.

So, while summer memories still linger, let's explore ways to navigate the joys and challenges of returning to school. Here’s to smooth transitions - and a school year packed with transformative opportunities. Enjoy the closing days of summer!

Mom reads books to her two children help children relate to the experience of heading back to school..

Tips for a Stress-Free Re-entry

  1. Harness Positivity: Your child takes cues from you, so engage your child in positive conversations about the new school year. If you exhibit excitement and positivity, they are likelier to do the same.

  2. Encourage Expression: Encourage your child to share their feelings and experiences about school openly. Discuss their interests, expectations, and any concerns they might have. 

  3. Visit Campus: For younger children or students transitioning to a new school, visiting the campus a few days before the academic year starts can alleviate anxiety.

  4. Organize and Label Supplies Together: Make a fun activity out of organizing and labeling school supplies and uniforms/clothing. Let your child express creativity by personalizing their items with stickers or markers.

  5. Read Books: Reading books that explore the adventures of starting school can help children relate to the experience. Here are a few favorites to check out:

  6. Connect with Classmates: Reach out to the parents of your child's classmates and arrange a playdate before school starts. Familiar faces on the first day can make all the difference.

  7. Adjust the Routine Gradually: Start changing bedtimes and morning routines a week before school starts. Gradually shifting back to the school schedule will make the first week of class far less overwhelming.

Looking ahead…

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Help your child set achievable goals for the new school year. Whether improving grades, joining a club, or making new friends, having clear objectives can boost motivation. This is particularly important for High Schoolers.

  2. Accentuate the Positive: Encourage your child to focus on the positive aspects of school, like reuniting with friends or participating in exciting extracurricular activities. For High Schooler students, discuss the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and staying persistent in their efforts. 

  3. Stay Organized: Use planners or apps to keep track of assignments, projects, and important dates. An organized approach reduces stress and helps children manage their time effectively.

  4. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your child's accomplishments, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement boosts confidence and encourages further success.

  5. Encourage Risk Taking: Stress the importance of embracing challenges and new experiences as opportunities to learn and grow. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.

  6. Balance Academics and Extracurriculars: Strike a balance between work and play. Remind your Middle and High Schoolers, that while it's important to do their best academically, it’s also essential to make time for extracurricular activities they're passionate about.

  7. Practice Self-Care: High school can be stressful, so it’s important that your student takes care of themself physically and emotionally. Make sure they are getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and finding time for activities that bring them joy and relaxation.

Embrace Growth, Learning, and Friendship

So, as the new academic year approaches, let's usher in all the potential it offers with open arms and hearts; it’s teeming with opportunities for endless growth, enriched academic experiences, and lasting friendships. 

And remember, if you're planning to embark on a day or boarding school search this fall, KQ is here to guide you. We provide all the expert support and assistance you need for a smooth and successful admissions process. Email or call for help, and together, we'll pave the way for a bright future for your child. Happy learning!

Written By Verona Keating & Jacquie Quigley | Founding Partners | Keating Quigley Educational Consultants